Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chicken Wisdom. . .

All I Need To Know In Life, I Learned From My Hens
Wake up early, stay busy, rest when you need to, but always stay alert.
Visit your favorite places each day.
Scratch out a living.
Routine is good.
Plump is good.
Don't ponder your purpose in life - your brain is too small.
Accept the pecking order and know your enemies.
Weed your garden.
Protect your children fiercely - sit on them if you need to.
Take them for walks, show them the little things and talk constantly.
Make a nice nest. Share it with friends.
Brag on your accomplishments.
Don't count your chicks before they hatch.
Protect your nest egg.
Test your wings once in awhile.
Squawk when necessary.
As you age, demand respect.
Leave a little something for those who care about you.
Chase butterflies.

Precious Poem By Michaele Oleson 
Amazing Artwork by Julene Ewert


  1. Oh,I have this little poem printed out and posted at my desk at work. I simply love it. So very sweet and so very true!

    1. I found this poem earlier this year, and fell in love with it. There really is so much truth and wise wisdom in it! We certainly can all learn a lot from our beloved feathered friends. ˘▼˘

  2. Very nice!!! Love both the artwork and the poem; uplifting ideas. Hope all are doing well at the Country Chronicles coop! Specklesmom/Debby

    1. We are doing well Debby. It's so nice to have the green season back again. Our chickens are loving being able to free range and have so much green food and bugs to eat. They are hardly eating ANY commercial feed. I always have it available for them, but they rarely touch it during the growing seasons.

  3. Kelly, I so love these words of wisdom. Nature can be such good role model. Thanks for including my swinging chick!

    1. I'm more than happy to include your artwork! You are VERY talented!!!

  4. I adore JULENE's artwork! She so rocks!!!!

  5. This is just beautiful! I love the picture - I am a budding artist.

    1. Well congratulations!! Julene is a mixed media artist. I absolutely love her work. It's so whimsical. Be sure to look her up! I put her link at the bottom of the poem.

  6. Hi Kelly! I ran across your blog when I was trying to find out how fast chickens grow. I want a couple of backyard chickens for eggs. Your blog and your pictures were awesome and very helpful. I think I'm going to do basically the same thing you did except I have an inclosed porch. It isn't airconditioned and I live in Georgia. Do you think it will be to warm for them? I love your blog and find it very informative! I can't wait to get my chickens.

    1. Congratulations on your future chickens Geri, and thanks for the kind comments. In answer to your question though, one thing to keep in mind with chickens is that they are heavily feathered which can become quite a hindrance for them in very hot conditions. When choosing a place for their coop and run, be sure that they will have plenty of shade. For me, my coop and run happens to be on the north side of our shed which would give the girls plenty of shade if they needed it. I free range my chickens, so it's not really much of an issue anyway. If you plan to keep your girls confined, then shade is a must. If you haven't already, you may want to check out my "Coop Management" blog post. It will help to keep your back porch odor free!

  7. Such a cute drawing, and I love the poem. ;)

    My little sister just started a chicken blog. It's really hard to get blogs noticed, so I was wondering if perhaps you could stop by and either follow her blog or leave a comment? She would really appreciate it. (She doesn't know that I'm doing this, I want it to be a surprise.) Thank you! Here is the link:


  8. Thank you for your blog. God bless and happy new year.

    1. Thank you very much Susan! Hope you have a blessed year as well!

  9. My son directed me to your blog and I am so glad he did. Not only do you have amazing chickens, but an amazing family. I am sorry you lost Dixie. I am going to start chickening this spring. Eggs are secondary, the best to me would be the experience for myself and grand kids. I want 4 hens. Should I get all Buff Orpingtons or a mixture of breeds, like 2 Orpingtons, and one Austerlop and one Easter Egger? By the way you site has a really great spirit about it. Thanks.

    1. Thank you so much. If eggs are secondary to you, I'd go with Orpingtons. You can even mix them up. There are different types of Orpingtons which all share the same wonderful personality. There are blue Orpingtons, Lavender Orpingtons, and of course the Buffs. Some breeders are even offering other breeds of Orpingtons that are so special and beautiful. I really love their personalities. They are great with kids (and families), My only advise to you is to handle them often, often, often when they are babies and growing up that first year. As long as you do that, you'll have hen's as precious as ours! Enjoy your chicken endeavor!!!


  10. Just ran across your blog! I love it! The Chicken Wisdom poem totally made me laugh. Especially the part about sitting on your children. :) Julie@OurSimplyAbundantLife.com

  11. Well, I have got the best information from here the site is fully stuffed with the knowledgeable information. www.backyardchickenshop.com/coop-plans-designs/

  12. Hi Kelly, felt vey good reading your blog. Wonder why you are not active here
